Monday, June 27, 2011

Wet Vac

There has been flooding all over this state,and I'm also aware of flooding pretty much everywhere where there is a river near by.

I put this cheeper model up,because it's just as good as a wet vac as the expensive ones.

So if you're looking for the best wet vac for the money,then check out this model.The reviews don't lie,and I'd recommend this shop vac to anyone.

It's a 6 gallon,and that's all a person needs.Going for a bigger capacity just makes it all that much more difficult to lift,and empty.So don't buy one larger.Water is heavy,and you'll be thankful having a wet vac that is easy to empty.

I can't stress that enough.I've been helping with flooded out basements all my life.I use this size,,and this model because it's easy to use.

This is a 6 gallon wet vac.For God's sake don't go larger.Water is heavy,and many of us don't lift 5 gallon gallon buckets full of water on a regular basis.So take my word.This medium sized one is the way to go.

If things are that bad,then get a bilge pump.Having a bigger wet vac don't make getting the water out of basement any easier.We can only lift so much.So don't hur you back at the same time.

This is a wet vac the proffesionals use.If you're a home owner doing flood clean up.Stick with the 6 gallon wet vacs.Beleieve me,after emptying a wet vac several times you'll be thankful if it's one 6 gallons or less.A higher capicty one just gets to dam heavy.

I'd recommend this wet vac to anyone.

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